Notes about Linphone

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OVH SIP with Scarlet Belgium ISP

Linphone version: 3.5.2-10 (Debian 7 "Wheezy")

Scarlet blocks the inbound and outbound traffic on port UDP-5060.

It is then required to use the secondary SIP proxy port provided by OVH: UDP-5962

Linphone->Options->Preferences->Network Settings

Network protocol and ports
SIP (UDP): 5962
Nat and firewall
X Direct connection to internet <- this option requires a NAT entry in the modem to correctly forward the port UDP-5962 to the computer running Linphone
O Behind NAT/Firewall (specify gateway IP address)
Public IP addresss:
O Behind NAT/Firewall (use STUN to resolve)
Stun server:

Linphone->Options->Preferences->Manage SIP Accounts

Proxy accounts
Edit or add your account in the list with the following parameters:
Your SIP identity:
SIP Proxy address:
Route (optional):
Registation duration (sec): 3600
X Register
O Publish presence information

Linphone->Options->Preferences->Codecs->Audio Codecs

Enable only PCMU and PCMA codecs